by kelly bowley
(Florida )
Every summer of my childhood were spent at Colonial Beach. My sister and I anxiously looked forward to our summer visits with the most wonderful women I will ever have the pleasure of knowing, my Nanna. This was back in the late 60's through the 80's.
I have such fond memories of walking all around, as my grandmother did not drive. We would go to around the point, stop at the park, down to the marina, up to the A&P and of course up to Denson's for a cold pop!! We would fish from the tower/wall and cruise the Board Walk while eating Nutty Buddy ice cream cones on hot summer days. We practically lived in Glenna's above ground pool who lived behind us; every street I drive or walk down brings me back priceless memories of the wonderful times we spent there.
My daughter and her family now reside in "Nanna's house" as our family has never been able to let it go after her passing, that house and the Beach are part of our hearts. I miss my grandmother dearly, however, its so nice that her memory lives at the beach as she just loved living there and everyone in the community. So grateful that my children and grandchildren will have the opportunity to make new memories and experience such fun adventures the Beach has to offer!!
Kelly B.