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Have you explored Sharks Tooth Island?

This year’s season will run from May 27th - September 4th. Prices are as follows: $250 per boat, $255 per jetski, and $100 per kayak.

Please email to request an application.

Sharks tooth island shirt
Sharks Tooth Island
Hollis Marsh or Hollis Island, nicknamed Sharks Tooth Island is a great little area to anchor your boat or park your kayak and scan the shoreline for fossilized shark and porpoise teeth, shells and vertebrae and stingray dental plates from creatures that inhabited this area many, many years ago.
This place is only accessible by boat, kayak, canoe or jet ski, You cannot drive to it with a car.
If you do not have a boat or a friend with a boat, you may be able to paddle over via kayak from a nearby boat ramp. Charters to the island are not allowed.

Permit-holders can scour the sandy and marshy areas for Miocene Epoch fossils which are millions of years old! The teeth of extinct sharks most commonly found here belong to the Tiger, Requiem, Mackerel, Hammerhead and the Sand Shark. Teeth of the spectacular giant White Shark, (Carcharondon Megalodon) are found here too, but are rare.

The Sharks Tooth Island Backstory...

Way back when, this entire region was under water. Once the waters receded, the 100-foot high cliffs that tower over the Potomac River began to release all the fossils that were stored. What happens is the cliffs erode, the fossils fall into the river and they are carried downstream where they come to rest on Sharks Tooth Island. Please do not attempt to dig in the cliff areas upriver as they are on private property, for one. They are also very unstable and prone to collapse. Evidence of recent landslides can be seen from the river.

Store and show off your fossilized finds in this cool wooden shark display case!

Teeth found at Sharks Tooth Island
The smaller-sized teeth are plentiful here and it's possible to find larger ones as well. The teeth in the photo above were all found within about a 20-minute timeframe.

Here are printable fossil identification sheets in PDF format to help you identify the sharks teeth as well as the shells that can be found in the area. You can try and match the teeth in the photo above to the ones on the sheet to see which species the teeth are from.

Watch out for jellyfish if you visit the area. Don't get stung! Bring some vinegar or baking soda, whichever works best for you to apply to any jellyfish stings just in case.

Here's a neat drone footage video of the area:

kayaks on sharks tooth island

You may even be able to catch the occasional live music performance.

concert poster

The property is privately owned. Here's the contact information so you can secure a permit to visit. Hollis Island Owners, c/o Tam Foxwell, 1390 Poor Jack Road, Montross, VA. 22520. Please note this is a mailing address only.

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Crowd at Sharks Tooth Island

2021 Permit Fees:

$200 per boat, $205 for jet skis and $100 per kayak. Season ran from May 15th to Sept 15th

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