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Potomac River Festival

2021 Potomac River Festival Logo

2021 Schedule:

  • Wednesday, June 9
    Normally the Carnival would be on Town Hill thru Sunday, but it will not be taking place during 2021s event.

  • Friday, June 11
    7:30 p.m. Firemen's Parade. Begins on Colonial Avenue, turns onto Washington Ave.

    New for 2021 is the special expanded parade route for Friday evening's Firemen's Parade.

    2021 Fire Rescue Squad Parade Route Map

  • Saturday, June 12
    10:00 a.m. Arts & Crafts Vendors and Food Vendors on Town Hill and the Boardwalk until 5pm.
    10:00 a.m.
    Miss Colonial Beach Pageant on Town Stage.
    11:00 a.m. Kids Zone on Town Hill. $3.00 all day, on Town Hill until 6pm
    12:00 p.m. Grand Feature Parade on Colonial & Washington Avenues
    1:00 p.m. Scavenger Hunt until 3:30pm at various locations
    1:00 p.m. Beer and Wine Garden on Town Hill until 8pm
    4:30 p.m. Male Beauty Pageant> on Town Stage Sponsored by High Tides Restaurant
    6:00 p.m. The Real Deal Band on Town Stage

    9:15 p.m. Fireworks

  • Sunday, June 13
    10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Vendors on Town Hill and the Boardwalk
    11:00 a.m. Kids Zone, $1.50 all day until 3pm
    12:30 p.m. Gospel Singer on Town Stage
    1:00 p.m. Boat Parade. Great views of the parade from The Riverboat's outdoor deck or from the Municipal Pier.
    2:00 p.m. Pet Parade on Town Stage

    The annual Potomac River Festival is in its 70th year in Colonial Beach. It's a weekend-long event in mid-June with fun for the whole family. The gentle river breezes and warm sunshine make for a great time as you take in all the fun-filled events, sights and sounds of this wonderful event, sponsored by the Colonial Beach Chamber of Commerce.

    Potomac River Festival Logo

    2020s event postponed until 2021

    Potomac River Festival Events

    There's a Carnival that usually arrives on the Wednesday before Festival weekend.


    The Potomac River Festival usually kicks off at 7:30pm with the Colonial Beach Volunteer Fire/Rescue Parade. Units from all around the region join in. If you've never been, you should know that it's quite a sight, as well as quite an earful! Those engines will have their horns and sirens blaring, and lights flashing. Here's the video from 2015's parade:

    More video clips can be found on our YouTube Channel. The Miss Colonial Beach Pageant also takes place during the Friday evening festivities, typically right after the parade.


    Vendors on Town Hill and along the Boardwalk open their booths at 10:00am until 5:00pm. You'll find various vendors with all sorts of wares such as clothing, food, art, jewelry, wood sculptures, yard ornaments, furniture, antiques, sewn items, dolls, candles and other knick-knacks. Here's a tip: Buy it when you see it, because if you come back for it later, you won't be able to find it.

    DJ on Town Hill provides music for your listening pleasure. Heck, you can even get up and dance if you feel like it. Oftentimes, line dancing will take place and it's a blast!

    Grand Feature Parade and entertainment and is so much fun! You'll see some great groups and floats as they make their way through the streets from their beginning point, usually at the High School. Sometimes there's a Majorette competition on the schedule, too.

    Click or Tap here for parade pictures

    Sometimes live bands on Town Stage provide the music for an enjoyable afternoon and evening concert.

    A grand display of Fireworks cap off a great day of festival fun and usually begin at 9:00pm. Get there early as the beach area fills up quick! There's always a good turnout for this event because Colonial Beach always puts on a great fireworks show. I sometimes park near the BB&T bank branch and walk a few blocks. It's a good idea to bring chairs or a blanket to set down - especially if you're in the sandy part of the beach area. A flashlight is also helpful.


    The vendors usually open their booths at 10:00am and will last until 4:00pm.

    Colonial Beach Yacht Club puts on a Boat Parade travels from Monroe Bay up past the Town Pier, to the Riverboat and back. Get your cameras ready for all the beautiful boats as they float by.

    Pet Parade usually begins at 2:00pm at the town stage. Ponder pretty pooches prancing past parade participants. It is so cute to see all these dogs, some in costume, some performing tricks. Of course there's judging and your dog may even win a prize! Here are some pictures from the 2010 pet parade

    2014's Potomac River Festival took place June 6 - 8
    2013's event notes: 62nd Annual Potomac River Festival

    June 7 - 9, 2013
    Grand Marshal for the Grand Feature Parade: TORREY SMITH
    of the Super Bowl champion Baltimore Ravens
    parade theme: Hometown Heroes The Miss Colonial Beach pageant was rescheduled to Saturday, June 8th due to a tropical storm.
    The Friday night Firemen's Parade was moved to Saturday and was a part of the Grand Feature Parade.

  • Friday, June 7, 2019
    10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. There were Deck tours of the historic sailboat Edna E. Lockwood at the Municipal Pier.

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