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Friendly Jam Sessions

by Becky
(Colonial Beach, VA, USA)

Looking for some Colonial Beach locals who would like to brush up on their musical skills with me for fun and personal development.

I was in a church band for a couple years before spending the next few moving a lot, and now I miss the band and the accountability of regular practice sessions.
We typically played with guitars, keys, bass, drums and sometimes trumpet, cello, violin, flute, and even banjo. With that in mind, I'm looking for any instrument player that's interested in a friendly weekly jam. BYOI.

As an amateur, in the band I was a backup singer and support guitar, roles I am most suited for. The songs we played were typically anything from Vineyard to Bethel to MorningStar to IHOPKC but occasionally included some classic hymns.

Would Tuesday nights from 7-9 work for you? Another day and evening time?

If interested, please contact me by email
(I check this account multiple times a week, but not every day, so please be patient with my response.)

Posting date: July 6, 2020

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