Open Sing August 15th, 2019
The Connexion Chamber Choir made their debut performance on December 9, 2018 at Colonial Beach Baptist Church at 3:00 p.m. The first group rehearsal was September 6th. Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Bass are invited to come and sing along by joining this talented unit comprised of members with numerous musical skills and abilities.
Formed in August of 2018 by Benjamin Swanson as an effort to bring area residents together through the beauty and power of choral singing, the group is a non-audition outfit open to vocalists over the age of 16 in the Colonial Beach and Northern Neck region.
image: ©creativecommonsstockphotos ID 87964356 | Dreamstime Stock PhotosMusical selections range from Elizabethan to 21st century music and classical to pop,
The group's name is derived from the British spelling Connexion, a tip of the hat of sorts to the historic British choral tradition.
Rehearsals are from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. on Thursday evenings and most take place at Colonial Beach Baptist Church.
For more information, contact the choirReturn from Connexion Chamber Choir to Colonial Beach Bands
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