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Colonial Beach Community Garden

CB Garden Sign

Folks can reserve and tend to plots in the Colonial Beach Community Garden on Washington Avenue.

It is located next to the Park and below the School Hill Townes townhouse and single-family homes subdivision where the old Elementary School building stood prior to the fire.

The facility is overseen by the Colonial Beach Greenspace group. It was started around 2017 by the Colonial Beach Historical Society and just grew (no pun intended) from there.

Send an email to if you would like to be considered for a plot. They will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. There is no cost, but you are responsible for prepping your bed, keeping it neat, and cleaning it up in the Fall.

There's also a regular clean-up event that takes place, usually once a month on the second Saturday.

ADA accessible beds are available for community members with mobility issues. These beds are 36 inches high and approximately 2 by 5 feet. They are designed for folks who cannot tolerate a significant amount of bending.

If you are interested in any of these available beds please email Colonial Beach Greenspace at

Colonial Beach Community Garden Rules

  • You must be a resident of the Town of Colonial Beach. 
  •  You are responsible for your plot for the entire season. 
  •  Plots are assigned annually on a first-come, first-served basis. Folks who have previously maintained a site and attend community garden work days are given preference. 
  •  It is the responsibility of each gardener to follow the rules and take an active role in managing their plot and the area in general, to include the following:
    a. Adhere to organic growing practices. Do not use synthetic chemical pesticides or fertilizers like Miracle-Gro. If you are not sure if something is allowed, please check with the chief gardener.
    b. Gardens must be kept free of weeds and weedy vines. This includes the walk adjacent to your plot as well as fences.
    c. Over-ripe or rotting fruit/veggies must be removed weekly and may be composted at the site.
    d. Gardeners must visit and maintain their plot frequently - a minimum of 4 hours per week is recommended to ensure the plot remains clean and productive. 
  •  If, for any reason (health, vacation, work pressure), you will be temporarily unable to maintain your plot, inform the chief gardener. If you have a substitute gardener, inform the chief gardener. 
  •  Plots that haven’t been cleaned and prepared for gardening by May 15, in the opinion of the chief gardener (or the CB Greenspace BOD) may be assigned to another applicant without further notice. 
  •  Plant only crops you have the time and skills to control. Avoid invasive species like mint, which could take over your entire plot plus your neighbors’. 
  •  Your garden plot must be harvested throughout the month of September. 
  •  Gardens in an uncared-for condition by July 4th will be cleared. They will be given to existing gardeners for fall planting only. They will be open for new gardeners in the following season. 
  •  Treat the community tools with care and respect. Please return tools to the garden shed after use and cleaning. 
  •  Pick/harvest from your plot only unless another’s plot is marked free to pick/harvest for all. 
  • The gardens must be cleaned for winter no later than Oct. 31. This involves removing dead plants, stakes, temporary fences, jugs, trash, etc. It’s important to keep the community gardens looking tidy throughout the year, and picking up common areas, to prevent complaints about the program.

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