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Oct 01, 2022
No Dogs = Not buying
by: Ken S

We found a nice home as a summer get away, but will not be buying it due to the No Dogs on the beach regulation. Town officials should have a residents dog tag permit to allow residents to bring their dogs to the beach. I am sure residents will be more than happy to clean up for the privilege of bringing their dogs.

Katrina's Reply: Dogs are allowed on the beach and Boardwalk in the off-season, October through March. In addition, there is a dog park next to the Boathouse Marina.

Jul 20, 2018
There needs to be a place to have dogs
by: Anonymous

There should be a place where you can have you dog!! So your dogs can enjoy the water during the summer! Can you plz make a place where you can have dogs during the summer. Thx!

Katrina's Reply: Patrons of Dockside Tiki Bar may bring their dogs to play on their private beach area. The public dog park is still in the works. Hopefully it will come to fruition soon.

May 27, 2012
My Peekapoo
by: Tiffanie

I have a small purse size dog. My family and i wanted to stop off at the beach on our way home to NC. What would happen if I was to bring my little dog to the beach with me?

Katrina's Reply: Hi Tiffanie, thanks for posting. Currently, leashed dogs are only allowed on the beach and Boardwalk areas from October to March. Being that the weather is so hot this weekend, it would be better to keep the dog in an air-conditioned space like at the Beach Inn or any of the other pet-friendly accommodations in town.

Apr 02, 2012
dog on vacation
by: Anonymous

It is not an option wether or not to bring our small dog on our vacation. He is part of our family.

Katrina's Reply: I think you'll find Colonial Beach is a pet-friendly place. The Beach Inn (formerly Days Inn) accepts guests with a pet and many of the rental cottages are pet-friendly as well. Leashed dogs are allowed to be on the beach and Boardwalk with their owners from October thru March and citizens have been working on organizing a dog park at Robin Grove Park.

Apr 10, 2010
This town NEEDS a dog beach !
by: Earl Just Earl

The town needs a dedicated beach for dogs and their owners so that in the heat of summer our dogs can enjoy the cool river or even the bay. If elected to Town Council I will try to make that a reality.

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